Chromaticity Color Spaces ========================= Images often represent color using three channels: (R, G, B) - red, green, and blue. For this document, we assume the range of each channel is [0.0, 1.0]. Normalized Chromaticity ----------------------- Formulas ^^^^^^^^ Output (r, g, b) :(1.0, 0.0, 0.0): 100% red :(0.0, 1.0, 0.0): 100% green :(0.0, 0.0, 1.0): 100% blue Output (r, g) :(1.0, 0.0): 100% red :(0.0, 1.0): 100% green :(0.0, 0.0): 100% blue (implied) Normalized RG/RGB """"""""""""""""" .. math:: r = \frac{R}{R+G+B} \\ g = \frac{G}{R+G+B} \\ b = \frac{B}{R+G+B} \\ \\ r+g+b = 1 Normalized RG/RGB White-Point """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. math:: R = 1 \\ G = 1 \\ B = 1 \\ \\ r = \frac{R}{R+G+B} \\ g = \frac{G}{R+G+B} \\ b = \frac{B}{R+G+B} \\ \\ r+g+b = 1 .. code-block:: none float3 RGBtoChromaticityRGB(float3 Color) { // Optimizes 2 ADD instructions into 1 DP3 instruction. float SumRGB = dot(Color, 1.0); float3 Chromaticity = saturate(Color / SumRGB); // Output the chromaticity's white point if the divisor is 0.0. // Prevents undefined behavior when dividing by 0. Chromaticity = (SumRGB == 0.0) ? float3(1.0 / 3.0) : Chromaticity; return Chromaticity; } Spherical Chromaticity ---------------------- This section introduces a color space that represents chromaticity using angles. Precision Loss in RG Chromaticity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A significant drawback of RG chromaticity is precision loss. All possible values map to a right triangle, effectively halving the precision in integer buffers. Spherical chromaticity encodes data that utilizes the entire RG8 range by calculating angles between the color channels. .. code-block:: none /* This code is based on the algorithm described in the following paper: Author(s): Joost van de Weijer, T. Gevers Title: "Robust optical flow from photometric invariants" Year: 2004 DOI: 10.1109/ICIP.2004.1421433 Link: */ float2 RGBtoSphericalRG(float3 Color) { const float HalfPi = 1.0 / acos(0.0); // 1 / (pi/2) = 2 / pi // Precalculate (x*x + y*y)^0.5 and (x*x + y*y + z*z)^0.5 float L1 = length(Color.rg); float L2 = length(Color.rgb); float2 Angles = 0.0; Angles[0] = (L1 == 0.0) ? 1.0 / sqrt(2.0) : Color.g / L1; Angles[1] = (L2 == 0.0) ? 1.0 / sqrt(3.0) : L1 / L2; return saturate(asin(abs(Angles)) * HalfPi); }