RasterGrid's Gaussian Blur on The GPU ===================================== Gaussian blurs sample many pixels. `RasterGrid optimized Gaussian blur by sampling in-between pixels `_. RasterGrid's article did not include shader code for varied Gaussian blur radii. This post solves that. .. code-block:: none :caption: Source Code float GetGaussianWeight(float SampleIndex, float Sigma) { const float Pi = acos(-1.0); float Output = rsqrt(2.0 * Pi * (Sigma * Sigma)); return Output * exp(-(SampleIndex * SampleIndex) / (2.0 * Sigma * Sigma)); } float GetGaussianOffset(float SampleIndex, float Sigma, out float LinearWeight) { float Offset1 = SampleIndex; float Offset2 = SampleIndex + 1.0; float Weight1 = GetGaussianWeight(Offset1, Sigma); float Weight2 = GetGaussianWeight(Offset2, Sigma); LinearWeight = Weight1 + Weight2; return ((Offset1 * Weight1) + (Offset2 * Weight2)) / LinearWeight; } float4 GetGaussianBlur(float2 Tex, float LOD, float2 PixelSize, float Sigma) { // Sample and weight center first to get even number sides float TotalWeight = GetGaussianWeight(0.0, Sigma); float4 OutputColor = tex2Dlod(SampleColorTex, float4(Tex, 0.0, LOD)) * TotalWeight; for(float i = 1.0; i < Sigma * 3.0; i += 2.0) { float LinearWeight = 0.0; float LinearOffset = GetGaussianOffset(i, Sigma, LinearWeight); OutputColor += tex2Dlod(SampleColorTex, float4(Tex - (LinearOffset * PixelSize), 0.0, LOD)) * LinearWeight; OutputColor += tex2Dlod(SampleColorTex, float4(Tex + (LinearOffset * PixelSize), 0.0, LOD)) * LinearWeight; TotalWeight += LinearWeight * 2.0; } // Normalize intensity to prevent altered output return OutputColor / TotalWeight; }