Temporal Auto-Exposure with Hardware Blending#

Some graphics pipelines compute auto-exposure like this:
  1. Previous average brightness

  2. Current average brightness

  1. Store previously generated average brightness

  2. Generates current average brightness

  3. Smooth average brightnesses and compute auto-exposure

You can use hardware blending for auto-exposure:
  1. Average brightnesses (previous + current)

  1. Generate and smooth average brightnesses

  2. Compute auto-exposure

Source Code#

   Automatic exposure shader using hardware blending

   Vertex shaders

struct APP2VS
   float4 HPos : POSITION;
   float2 Tex0 : TEXCOORD0;

struct VS2PS
   float4 HPos : POSITION;
   float2 Tex0 : TEXCOORD0;

VS2PS VS_Quad(APP2VS Input)
   VS2PS Output;
   Output.HPos = Input.HPos;
   Output.Tex0 = Input.Tex0;
   return Output;

   Pixel shaders
   AutoExposure(): https://knarkowicz.wordpress.com/2016/01/09/automatic-exposure/

float3 GetAutoExposure(float3 Color, float2 Tex)
   float LumaAverage = exp(tex2Dlod(SampleLumaTex, float4(Tex, 0.0, 99.0)).r);
   float Ev100 = log2(LumaAverage * 100.0 / 12.5);
   Ev100 -= _ManualBias; // optional manual bias
   float Exposure = 1.0 / (1.2 * exp2(Ev100));
   return Color * Exposure;

float4 PS_GenerateAverageLuma(VS2PS Input) : COLOR0
   float4 Color = tex2D(SampleColorTex, Input.Tex0);
   float3 Luma = max(Color.r, max(Color.g, Color.b));

   // OutputColor0.rgb = Output the highest brightness out of red/green/blue component
   // OutputColor0.a = Output the weight for temporal blending
   float Delay = 1e-3 * _Frametime;
   return float4(log(max(Luma.rgb, 1e-2)), saturate(Delay * _SmoothingSpeed));

float3 PS_Exposure(VS2PS Input) : COLOR0
   float4 Color = tex2D(SampleColorTex, Input.Tex0);
   return GetAutoExposure(Color.rgb, Input.Tex0);

technique AutoExposure
   // Pass0: This shader renders to a texture that blends itself
   // NOTE: Do not have another shader overwrite the texture
   pass GenerateAverageLuma
      // Use hardware blending
      BlendEnable = TRUE;
      BlendOp = ADD;
      SrcBlend = SRCALPHA;
      DestBlend = INVSRCALPHA;

      VertexShader = VS_Quad;
      PixelShader = PS_GenerateAverageLuma;

   // Pass1: Get the texture generated from Pass0
   // Do autoexposure shading here
   pass ApplyAutoExposure
      VertexShader = VS_Quad;
      PixelShader = PS_Exposure;